Falconbridge University

Our Values and Mission

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Our Mottos are:  "Life is too short to drink bad beer" and "We work hard so you don't have to"
Celebrating our 10th year as an unaccredited academic institution, we proudly dedicate ourselves to the enjoyment of finer things in life with our ever-expanding circle of neighbors and friends.  Since our inception we have converted many a yellow-fizzy-beer drinker into connoisseurs of fine beers ~ and we've made some great friends along the way.  We've sampled ales, lagers and meads from over 25 different styles and from almost every nation who attempts to create this magnificent libation.
We are an institution of higher learning (higher, as in with the aid of "spirits").  We believe that "Life is just too short to drink bad beer!" but this is not without cost.  Searching far and wide to purchase and sample such a variety of beer is difficult ~ and frankly ~ drinking some of the beers we find can be unpleasant.  However, "We work hard so you don't have to!".
We value good fun, good beer, good food and great people.  The community of Falconbridge University is like none other.  Every event we sponsor has an open invitation to all...if you haven't joined us yet - we hope you will!