Theme Date Hall Style Substyle Beer Bryant Wayne Lucy John Steve H. St. Dev Count Sum Max Min Norm Avg.
Pucker Beers plus 2 11/05/2005 605 Lambic and Belgian Sour Ale Flanders Red Ale Duchess de bourgogne 43 46 41 41 46 2.50998 5 217.0 46 41 43.33333333
Pucker Beers plus 2 11/05/2005 605 Belgian and French Ale Saison De Glazen Toren Saison 40 41 45 44 31 5.540758 5 201.0 45 31 41.66666667
Pucker Beers plus 2 11/05/2005 605 Lambic and Belgian Sour Ale Flanders Red Ale Vichtenaar 41 43 36 36 43 3.563706 5 199.0 43 36 40
Pucker Beers plus 2 11/05/2005 605 Belgian and French Ale Belgian Specialty Ale Bitter XX 39 34 42 40 32 4.219005 5 187.0 42 32 37.66666667
Pucker Beers plus 2 11/05/2005 605 Lambic and Belgian Sour Ale Flanders Red Ale Rodenbach 36 37 38 35 37 1.140175 5 183.0 38 35 36.66666667
Pucker Beers plus 2 11/05/2005 605 Lambic and Belgian Sour Ale Oud Bruin Monk's Sour Ale 35 39 35 34 35 1.949359 5 178.0 39 34 35
Pucker Beers plus 2 11/05/2005 605 Lambic and Belgian Sour Ale Flanders Red Ale Rodenbach Grand Cru 40 47 32 28 17 11.47606 5 164.0 47 17 33.33333333