Theme Date Hall Style Substyle Name of Beer Bryant Wayne John Lucy Rob Std Dev Count Max Min Sum Norm Avg
Porters Lots of 'em 02/24/2007 619 Porter Baltic Porter Argang 1997 43 46 49 46 46 2.12132 5 49 43 230 46
Porters Lots of 'em 02/24/2007 619 Porter Brown Porter Flag porter black Cap 42 45 42 45 45 1.643168 5 45 42 219 44
Porters Lots of 'em 02/24/2007 619 Porter Robust Porter Fullers London porter 46 42 42 45 43 1.81659 5 46 42 218 43.333333
Porters Lots of 'em 02/24/2007 619 Porter Baltic Porter Neuzeller Porter 39 42 45 40 41 2.302173 5 45 39 207 41
Porters Lots of 'em 02/24/2007 619 Porter Baltic Porter Okocim Porter 39 44 46 40 35 4.32435 5 46 35 204 41
Porters Lots of 'em 02/24/2007 619 Porter Brown Porter Old Growler 39 42 40 40 42 1.341641 5 42 39 203 40.666667
Porters Lots of 'em 02/24/2007 619 Porter Robust Porter Meantime Porter 38 39 41 42 40 1.581139 5 42 38 200 40
Porters Lots of 'em 02/24/2007 619 Porter Baltic Porter Synbryhoff Porter 39 39 44 40 40 2.073644 5 44 39 202 39.666667
Porters Lots of 'em 02/24/2007 619 Porter Robust Porter Fumojo 39 36 46 40 39 3.674235 5 46 36 200 39.333333
Porters Lots of 'em 02/24/2007 619 Porter Baltic Porter Utenos porter 39 40 38 34 40 2.48998 5 40 34 191 39
Porters Lots of 'em 02/24/2007 619 Porter Baltic Porter Manchester Star 37 44 39 39 39 2.607681 5 44 37 198 39
Porters Lots of 'em 02/24/2007 619 Porter Baltic Porter Argang 2004 37 40 39 36 40 1.81659 5 40 36 192 38.666667
Porters Lots of 'em 02/24/2007 619 Porter Baltic Porter Flying Fish Espresso Imperial Porter 38 37 47 40 35 4.615192 5 47 35 197 38.333333
Porters Lots of 'em 02/24/2007 619 Porter Brown Porter Flag porter Gold Cap 38 40 29 39 37 4.393177 5 40 29 183 38
Porters Lots of 'em 02/24/2007 619 Porter Baltic Porter Baltika 6 39 35 36 40 36 2.167948 5 40 35 186 37
Porters Lots of 'em 02/24/2007 619 Porter Brown Porter Otter Creek Stove Pipe Porter 37 33 37 36 37 1.732051 5 37 33 180 36.666667
Porters Lots of 'em 02/24/2007 619 Porter Brown Porter Samual Smiths Taddy porter 35 38 37 36 37 1.140175 5 38 35 183 36.666667
Porters Lots of 'em 02/24/2007 619 Porter Brown Porter Old Slug Porter 38 38 40 34 32 3.286335 5 40 32 182 36.666667
Porters Lots of 'em 02/24/2007 619 Porter Brown Porter Blueridge Porter 38 38 28 34 35 4.09878 5 38 28 173 35.666667
Porters Lots of 'em 02/24/2007 619 Porter Brown Porter Yuengling Porter 36 35 32 43 35 4.086563 5 43 32 181 35.333333
Porters Lots of 'em 02/24/2007 619 Porter Brown Porter St peters Old Style Porter 35 36 36 35 34 0.83666 5 36 34 176 35.333333
Porters Lots of 'em 02/24/2007 619 Porter Brown Porter Sam Adams Honey porter 34 36 36 37 34 1.341641 5 37 34 177 35.333333
Porters Lots of 'em 02/24/2007 619 Porter Baltic Porter Alderis porteris 36 39 32 37 33 2.880972 5 39 32 177 35.333333
Porters Lots of 'em 02/24/2007 619 Porter Robust Porter Old Leg Humper 33 33 32 30 33 1.30384 5 33 30 161 32.666667
Porters Lots of 'em 02/24/2007 619 Porter Baltic Porter obolon porter 34 34 29 20 34 6.09918 5 34 20 151 32.333333
Porters Lots of 'em 02/24/2007 619 Porter Robust Porter Smuttynose Robust porter 31 31 26 30 33 2.588436 5 33 26 151 30.666667
Porters Lots of 'em 02/24/2007 619 Porter Brown Porter Anchor Porter 32 30 30 33 29 1.643168 5 33 29 154 30.666667
Porters Lots of 'em 02/24/2007 619 Porter Baltic Porter Zywiec Porter 34 34 17 30 21 7.79102 5 34 17 136 28.333333
Porters Lots of 'em 02/24/2007 619 Porter Robust Porter Andrews St Nicks Porter 23 27 30 26 24 2.738613 5 30 23 130 25.666667
Porters Lots of 'em 02/24/2007 619 Porter Baltic Porter Flying Dog Imperial porter 24 20 16 20 20 2.828427 5 24 16 100 20
Porters Lots of 'em 02/24/2007 619 Porter Robust Porter Tommyknocker Cocoa Porter 20 33 15 15 20 7.368853 5 33 15 103 18.333333
Porters Lots of 'em 02/24/2007 619 Porter Brown Porter Abita turbodog 15 22 15 17 25 4.494441 5 25 15 94 18