Theme Date Hall Style Sub-Style Name of Beer Bryant Wayne Lucy John Steve L Rob Dawn Dena St. Dev Count Sum Max Min Avg Norm Avg.
Lambics 03/25/2006 605 Lambic and Belgian Sour Ale Fruit Lambic Style Lindemanns Framboise 46 45 47 47 42 48 47 2 7 322 48 42 46 46.40
Lambics 03/25/2006 605 Lambic and Belgian Sour Ale Fruit Lambic Style Lindemanns Kriek 45 45 46 48 45 46 45 1.112697 7 320 48 45 45.71429 45.40
Lambics 03/25/2006 605 Lambic and Belgian Sour Ale Fruit Lambic Style Lindemanns Cassis 45 46 46 32 41 42 47 5.219013 7 299 47 32 42.71429 44.00
Lambics 03/25/2006 605 Lambic and Belgian Sour Ale Fruit Lambic Style New Glarus Raspberry Tart 44 44 40 46 43 47 39 2.9277 7 303 47 39 43.28571 43.40
Lambics 03/25/2006 605 Lambic and Belgian Sour Ale Fruit Lambic Style Lindemanns Peche 44 42 47 44 43 39 41 2.544836 7 300 47 39 42.85714 42.80
Lambics 03/25/2006 605 Lambic and Belgian Sour Ale Gueuze Hanssens Artisianl Oude Geuze 46 45 43 42 45 18 30 10.53339 7 269 46 18 38.42857 41.00
Lambics 03/25/2006 605 Lambic and Belgian Sour Ale Fruit Lambic Style New Glarus Belgian Red 37 44 37 46 41 45 34 4.649629 7 284 46 34 40.57143 40.80
Lambics 03/25/2006 605 Lambic and Belgian Sour Ale Gueuze Lindemanns Geuze lambic 40 41 42 39 37 32 41 3.436499 7 272 42 32 38.85714 39.60
Lambics 03/25/2006 605 Lambic and Belgian Sour Ale Fruit Lambic Style Cantillon Kriek 100% Lambic 46 50 31 41 38 41 23 9.10782 7 270 50 23 38.57143 39.40
Lambics 03/25/2006 605 Lambic and Belgian Sour Ale Gueuze Lindemanns Cuvee Rene 40 42 41 39 44 26 33 6.256425 7 265 44 26 37.85714 39.00
Lambics 03/25/2006 605 Lambic and Belgian Sour Ale Fruit Lambic Style Cherish Raspberries 34 37 35 38 43 42 37 38 3.116775 8 304 43 34 38 37.83
Lambics 03/25/2006 605 Lambic and Belgian Sour Ale Fruit Lambic Style Hanssens Artisianl Oude Kriek 44 45 31 42 39 39 23 30 7.799954 8 293 45 23 36.625 37.50
Lambics 03/25/2006 605 Lambic and Belgian Sour Ale Fruit Lambic Style Cherish Kriek 34 35 36 41 40 40 36 38 2.618615 8 300 41 34 37.5 37.50
Lambics 03/25/2006 605 Lambic and Belgian Sour Ale Fruit Lambic Style Kriek Boon 36 32 34 39 39 41 25 34 5.070926 8 280 41 25 35 35.67
Lambics 03/25/2006 605 Lambic and Belgian Sour Ale Fruit Lambic Style Fonteinon Schaerbeekse Kriek 40 45 31 41 34 39 29 25 6.845228 8 284 45 25 35.5 35.67
Lambics 03/25/2006 605 Lambic and Belgian Sour Ale Gueuze Geuze Boon 38 38 32 35 43 25 33 5.698789 7 244 43 25 34.85714 35.20
Lambics 03/25/2006 605 Lambic and Belgian Sour Ale Fruit Lambic Style Leifmans Framboise 37 34 31 32 32 39 33 2.94392 7 238 39 31 34 33.60
Lambics 03/25/2006 605 Lambic and Belgian Sour Ale Fruit Lambic Style Oud Beersel Framboise 30 32 32 33 39 43 30 34 4.580627 8 273 43 30 34.125 33.33
Lambics 03/25/2006 605 Lambic and Belgian Sour Ale Fruit Lambic Style Framboise boon 35 38 25 42 32 35 21 28 6.969321 8 256 42 21 32 32.17
Lambics 03/25/2006 605 Lambic and Belgian Sour Ale Fruit Lambic Style Oud beersel Oude Kriek 32 33 24 35 34 35 27 29 4.051014 8 249 35 24 31.125 31.67
Lambics 03/25/2006 605 Lambic and Belgian Sour Ale Fruit Lambic Style Cherish Peach 32 32 29 32 34 31 24 39 4.240536 8 253 39 24 31.625 31.67