Theme Date Hall Order Served Style Substyle Name of Beer ABV Country Wayne Rob Bert Richard MIN MAX COUNT SUM NAVG
Max's Italian Fest 24-Jul-10 Max's 1 Belgian Strong Ale Belgian Blond Ale BALADIN AL IKSIR 10.0% Italy 49 49 50 50 49 49 4 198 50
Max's Italian Fest 24-Jul-10 Max's 10 Belgian and French Ale Belgian Strong Dark Ale DEL DUCATO CHIMERA 6.5% Italy 48 47 50 50 47 48 4 195 50
Max's Italian Fest 24-Jul-10 Max's 30 Belgian Strong Ale Belgian Quadruple Malheur 12 12.0% Belgium 48 50 50 48 48 50 4 196 49
Max's Italian Fest 24-Jul-10 Max's 4 Belgian and French Ale Belgian Strong Dark Ale DEL BORGO 25 DODICI 9.5% Italy 45 44 48 48 44 45 4 185 48
Max's Italian Fest 24-Jul-10 Max's 29 Belgian and French Ale Saison St. Feuillon Saison 6.5% Belgium 48 48 48 48 48 48 4 192 48
Max's Italian Fest 24-Jul-10 Max's 12 Spice/Herb/Vegetable Beer Spice/Herb/Vegetable Beer DEL DUCATO VERDI 8.2% Italy 44 44 45 50 44 44 4 183 48
Max's Italian Fest 24-Jul-10 Max's 20 Spice/Herb/Vegetable Beer Spice/Herb/Vegetable Beer PAUSA CAFE TOSTA 12.5% Italy 46 44 48 46 44 46 4 184 47
Max's Italian Fest 24-Jul-10 Max's 22 Belgian Strong Ale Belgian Strong Dark Ale TROLL STELLA DI NATALE  10.5% Italy 47 46 48 46 46 47 4 187 47
Max's Italian Fest 24-Jul-10 Max's 26 Belgian Strong Ale Belgian Quadruple La Trappe Quadruple 10.0% Belgium 48 48 46 48 48 48 4 190 47
Max's Italian Fest 24-Jul-10 Max's 9 Sour Ale Fruit Lambic DEL BORGO RUBUS LAMBONI  5.6% Italy 45 39 47 46 39 45 4 177 47
Max's Italian Fest 24-Jul-10 Max's 16 Spice/Herb/Vegetable Beer Spice/Herb/Vegetable Beer GRADO PLATO STRADA SAN FELICE 8.0% Italy 46 42 47 46 42 46 4 181 47
Max's Italian Fest 24-Jul-10 Max's 25 Stout Russian Imperial Stout Black Luck Faraday   Italy 46 42 42 50 42 46 4 180 46
Max's Italian Fest 24-Jul-10 Max's 3 Strong Ale Belgian Golden Strong Ale BALADIN SUPER BALADIN  8.0% Italy 46 47 46 44 46 47 4 183 45
Max's Italian Fest 24-Jul-10 Max's 7 Specialty Beer Specialty Beer DEL BORGO MY ANTONIA  7.5% Italy 40 41 45 45 40 41 4 171 45
Max's Italian Fest 24-Jul-10 Max's 23 Belgian Strong Ale Belgian Dubbel La Trappe Double 7.0% Belgium 46 50 44 45 46 50 4 185 45
Max's Italian Fest 24-Jul-10 Max's 18 Fruit Beer Fruit Beer ITALIANO CASSISSONA 6.5% Italy 44 47 48 40 44 47 4 179 44
Max's Italian Fest 24-Jul-10 Max's 24 Strong Ale English Barleywine DUCATO L'Ultima Luna (Calvados)   Italy 50 48 41 47 48 50 4 186 44
Max's Italian Fest 24-Jul-10 Max's 5 Specialty Beer Specialty Beer DEL BORGO DUCHESSIC 5.9% Italy 43 42 40 43 42 43 4 168 42
Max's Italian Fest 24-Jul-10 Max's 27 Belgian and French Ale Saison Stillwater Cellar Door Cask/Hopped 6.6% USA 44 44 38 45 44 44 4 171 42
Max's Italian Fest 24-Jul-10 Max's 11 Spice/Herb/Vegetable Beer Spice/Herb/Vegetable Beer DEL DUCATO NOUVA MATTINA  5.8% Italy 43 41 42 40 41 43 4 166 41
Max's Italian Fest 24-Jul-10 Max's 15 Spice/Herb/Vegetable Beer Spice/Herb/Vegetable Beer GRADO PLATO CHOCARRUBICA  7.0% Italy 40 40 42 40 40 40 4 162 41
Max's Italian Fest 24-Jul-10 Max's 6 Spice/Herb/Vegetable Beer Spice/Herb/Vegetable Beer DEL BORGO GENZIANA 6.2% Italy 42 40 41 39 40 42 4 162 40
Max's Italian Fest 24-Jul-10 Max's 14 Spice/Herb/Vegetable Beer Spice/Herb/Vegetable Beer DEL DUCATO SALLY BROWN BARACCO 5.0% Italy 43 38 32 45 38 43 4 158 39
Max's Italian Fest 24-Jul-10 Max's 13 Pilsner German Pilsner DEL DUCATO VIA EMILIA  4.8% Italy 38 37 32 42 37 38 4 149 37
Max's Italian Fest 24-Jul-10 Max's 28 Belgian and French Ale Witbier Coronado Wit 5.2% USA 35 35 32 42 35 35 4 144 37
Max's Italian Fest 24-Jul-10 Max's 17 Pilsner German Pilsner ITALIANO TIPO PILS 5.2% Italy 39 38 32 40 38 39 4 149 36
Max's Italian Fest 24-Jul-10 Max's 19 Spice/Herb/Vegetable Beer Spice/Herb/Vegetable Beer PAUSA CAFE CHICCA 7.5% Italy 35 35 34 38 35 35 4 142 36
Max's Italian Fest 24-Jul-10 Max's 8 India Pale Ale American IPA DEL BORGO RE ALE EXTRA  6.4% Italy 42 40 25 45 40 42 4 152 35
Max's Italian Fest 24-Jul-10 Max's 21 Spice/Herb/Vegetable Beer Spice/Herb/Vegetable Beer PICCOLO CHIOSTRO 5.0% Italy 43 39 34 33 39 43 4 149 34
Max's Italian Fest 24-Jul-10 Max's 2 Spice/Herb/Vegetable Beer Spice/Herb/Vegetable Beer BALADIN NORA 6.8% Italy 37 38 35 30 37 38 4 140 33