Rare and Obscure Beers
Theme Date Hall Style Substyle Name of Beer Country Wayne Rob Chris Tom St. Dev Min Max Count Sum Norm Avg
Rare & Obscure 20-Nov-08 Max's Specialty N/A Southern Tier Chokolat (Draft) USA 49 49 49 49 0 49 49 4 196 49
Rare & Obscure 20-Nov-08 Max's Specialty N/A Sam Adams Chocolate Bock (Draft) USA 48 48 48 48 0 48 48 4 192 48
Rare & Obscure 20-Nov-08 Max's Strong Ale Old Ale George Gales Prize Old Ale (Cask) England 48 48 48 48 0 48 48 4 192 48
Rare & Obscure 20-Nov-08 Max's Specialty N/A Samichlaus Helles (Draft) Austria 47 47 47 47 0 47 47 4 188 47
Rare & Obscure 20-Nov-08 Max's Smoke-Flavored/Wood Aged Wood Aged BFM Abbaye De Bon Chien (Draft) Swiss 46 46 46 46 0 46 46 4 184 46
Rare & Obscure 20-Nov-08 Max's Spice/Herb/Vegetable Spice/Herb/Vegetable Piccolo Birrificio Chiostro (Draft) Italy 45 45 45 45 0 45 45 4 180 45
Rare & Obscure 20-Nov-08 Max's Smoke-Flavored/Wood Aged Wood Aged Frank's Palo Santo Clone (Homebrew) USA 45 45 45 45 0 45 45 4 180 45
Rare & Obscure 20-Nov-08 Max's Belgian and French Belgian Specialty Smuttynose Bret & I (Draft) USA 44 44 44 44 0 44 44 4 176 44
Rare & Obscure 20-Nov-08 Max's Spice/Herb/Vegetable Spice/Herb/Vegetable Dogfish Head Theobroma (Draft) USA 44 44 44 44 0 44 44 4 176 44
Rare & Obscure 20-Nov-08 Max's Strong Ale English Barleywine JW Lees Harvest Ale Aged in Calvados (Cask) England 43 43 43 43 0 43 43 4 172 43
Rare & Obscure 20-Nov-08 Max's Stout Russian Imperial Stout De Regenboog Catherine the Great (Cask) Belgium 38 38 38 38 0 38 38 4 152 38