Best of the Best 2009

Theme Location Date order served Style Substyle Name Bryant Wayne Rob Grace Suzy John Unk Troy Lucy Scot Unk 1 Unk 2 Unk 3 St. Dev Max Min Count Sum Norm Avg
Best of the Best 2009 611 31-Dec-09 22 Fruit beer New Glarus Kriek 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 0 50 50 9 450 50
Best of the Best 2009 611 31-Dec-09 24 Fruit Beer New Glarus Raspberry Tart 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 44 45 2.43812314 50 44 9 439 49.2857143
Best of the Best 2009 611 31-Dec-09 21 Belgian Strong Ale Belgian Dark Strong Ale Russian River Consecration 50 50 50 50 45 50 48 47 40 50 3.29983165 50 40 10 480 48.75
Best of the Best 2009 611 31-Dec-09 20 Belgian Strong Ale Belgian Dark Strong Ale St Bernardus Abt 12 50 50 50 43 44 50 49 50 49 47 2.65832027 50 43 10 482 48.625
Best of the Best 2009 611 31-Dec-09 25 Spice/Herb/Vegetable Sam Adams Chocolate bock 47 47 45 50 47 47 48 35 48 4.33012702 50 35 9 414 47
Best of the Best 2009 611 31-Dec-09 1 Belgian and French Ale Wit St Bernardus Wit 48 48 48 45 47 47 50 42 45 38 3.52136337 50 38 10 458 46.25
Best of the Best 2009 611 31-Dec-09 3 Dark Lager Munich Dunkel Weltenberger Kloster Barock DunkleLes Bier 48 48 49 48 42 45 43 45 40 3.16227766 49 40 9 408 45.5714286
Best of the Best 2009 611 31-Dec-09 2 Belgian and French Ale Wit Leelanau Whaleback White 47 47 46 47 45 46 45 45 37 43 3.01109061 47 37 10 448 45.5
Best of the Best 2009 611 31-Dec-09 8 Bock Doppelbock Aktien St Martins Dunkler Dopplebock 48 48 49 49 44 47 47 45 48 48 38 32 30 6.51231575 49 30 13 573 44.9090909
Best of the Best 2009 611 31-Dec-09 13 Belgian Strong Ale Tripel Scott Des Rocs Triple 50 50 50 50 42 48 48 45 44 49 23 30 35 8.75155664 50 23 13 564 44.6363636
Best of the Best 2009 611 31-Dec-09 15 Belgian Strong Ale Belgian Dark Strong Ale Brasserie Des Rocs brune 49 49 49 49 45 45 40 49 48 27 36 36 7.21740321 49 27 12 522 44.6
Best of the Best 2009 611 31-Dec-09 7 Porter Robust Porter Manchester Star 47 47 45 48 46 42 47 41 47 49 32 45 28 6.39711473 49 28 13 564 44.2727273
Best of the Best 2009 611 31-Dec-09 17 Belgian Strong Ale Belgian Dark Strong Ale Scott Strong Dark 47 47 45 46 43 48 46 38 36 39 4.30116263 48 36 10 435 43.875
Best of the Best 2009 611 31-Dec-09 4 Belgian and French Ale Bierre de Garde Les Bierres des Sans Coulottes 43 43 45 45 49 44 45 40 37 3.39525813 49 37 9 391 43.5714286
Best of the Best 2009 611 31-Dec-09 16 Belgian and French Ale Belgian Specialty Ale Urthel Quad 49 49 50 48 40 45 48 45 33 32 35 6.8768386 50 32 11 474 43.5555556
Best of the Best 2009 611 31-Dec-09 23 Spice/Herb/Vegetable Southern Tier mocha 50 50 50 40 39 40 43 21 39 9.05538514 50 21 9 372 43
Best of the Best 2009 611 31-Dec-09 12 Spice/Herb/Vegetable Christmas/Winter specialty Jolly Pumking noel de Calabaza 50 50 49 50 48 46 49 40 49 50 20 20 10 14.2410566 50 10 13 531 42.8181818
Best of the Best 2009 611 31-Dec-09 18 Belgian Strong Ale Belgian Dark Strong Ale Rochefort 10 46 46 46 48 42 44 46 44 35 34 33 5.49214315 48 33 11 464 42.5555556
Best of the Best 2009 611 31-Dec-09 14 Strong Ale English barleywine Thomas hardy Ale 48 48 48 48 40 43 37 29 48 45 25 42 39 7.54558795 48 25 13 540 42.4545455
Best of the Best 2009 611 31-Dec-09 9 Smoke flavored/wood aged Wood Aged Jolly Pumpkin Oro de Calabaza 47 47 49 47 49 45 38 44 40 43 36 20 31 8.36813247 49 20 13 536 42.4545455
Best of the Best 2009 611 31-Dec-09 11 Smoke flavored/wood aged Wood Aged Jolly pumpkin La Roja 48 48 48 47 47 46 35 45 46 48 22 25 31 9.51449636 48 22 13 536 42.3636364
Best of the Best 2009 611 31-Dec-09 19 Sour Ale Lambic Cantillion Bruscella 50 50 50 41 42 30 39 50 33 31 8.23542484 50 30 10 416 42
Best of the Best 2009 611 31-Dec-09 6 Strong Ale Old Ale Fullers Vintage Ale 47 47 44 48 40 45 40 32 47 46 40 30 27 7.11805217 48 27 13 533 41.6363636
Best of the Best 2009 611 31-Dec-09 5 Belgian and French Ale Belgian Specialty Ale Saison Dupont Avecles Bons 45 45 47 45 50 45 30 45 38 30 40 28 7.48736309 50 28 12 488 41
Best of the Best 2009 611 31-Dec-09 10 Sour Ale Flanders red Duchess de Bourgogne 47 47 45 47 42 46 37 37 44 48 25 20 25 9.79926737 48 20 13 510 40.1818182