Beat da Veep

Theme Date Hall Style Substyle Name of Bevereage Country Wayne John Lucy Steve Rob Std.Dev Max Min Count Sum Norm Avg
Beat the Veep 07/14/2007 619 Belgian and French Ale Belgian Specialty Ale Urthel Quad old Belgium 50 47 48 48 47 1.224744871 50 47 5 240 47.66667
Beat the Veep 07/14/2007 619 Scottish and Irish Ale Strong Scotch Ale Old Chub USA 42 45 45 44 44 1.224744871 45 42 5 220 44.33333
Beat the Veep 07/14/2007 619 Belgian and French Ale Belgian Specialty Ale Urthel Quad new Belgium 44 44 45 45 34 4.722287581 45 34 5 212 44.33333
Beat the Veep 07/14/2007 619 Porter Baltic Porter Okocim Porter Poland 40 45 42 37 43 3.049590136 45 37 5 207 41.66667
Beat the Veep 07/14/2007 619 Belgian and French Ale Witbier Wittekerke Wit Belgium 42 38 40 38 41 1.788854382 42 38 5 199 39.66667
Beat the Veep 07/14/2007 619 Belgian and French Ale Belgian Specialty Ale Alevinne Belgian Imperial Stout Belgium 39 37 37 38 38 0.836660027 39 37 5 189 37.66667
Beat the Veep 07/14/2007 619 Belgian and French Ale Witbier Madonna Romania 44 37 34 36 37 3.78153408 44 34 5 188 36.66667
Beat the Veep 07/14/2007 619 Dark Lager Munich Dunkel Palone Poland 40 34 39 37 34 2.774887385 40 34 5 184 36.66667
Beat the Veep 07/14/2007 619 American Ale American Amber Ale Alewerks 400 Anniversary USA 40 35 39 36 35 2.34520788 40 35 5 185 36.66667
Beat the Veep 07/14/2007 619 American Ale American Amber Ale Alewerks Tavern Ale USA 37 36 36 38 34 1.483239697 38 34 5 181 36.33333
Beat the Veep 07/14/2007 619 Porter Baltic Porter Zweic Porter Poland 34 34 34 33 32 0.894427191 34 32 5 167 33.66667
Beat the Veep 07/14/2007 619 American Ale American Amber Ale Double Barrel Ale USA 34 33 34 32 33 0.836660027 34 32 5 166 33.33333
Beat the Veep 07/14/2007 619 Scottish and Irish Ale Strong Scotch Ale Juloy Scot USA 34 33 35 33 31 1.483239697 35 31 5 166 33.33333
Beat the Veep 07/14/2007 619 Bock Maibock Stoudts Blonde Double Maibock USA 36 31 35 31 33 2.28035085 36 31 5 166 33
Beat the Veep 07/14/2007 619 Light Hybrid Beer American Wheat or Rye Alewerks Wheat Ale USA 34 33 32 31 31 1.303840481 34 31 5 161 32
Beat the Veep 07/14/2007 619 English Pale Ale Extra Specail Bitter Extraordinary USA 32 33 30 34 31 1.58113883 34 30 5 160 32
Beat the Veep 07/14/2007 619 American Ale American Pale Ale Lancaster 4 grain Amish Pale Ale USA 31 31 30 30 30 0.547722558 31 30 5 152 30.33333
Beat the Veep 07/14/2007 619 American Ale American Pale Ale Alewerks Chesapeake Pale Ale USA 33 30 30 30 29 1.516575089 33 29 5 152 30
Beat the Veep 07/14/2007 619 India Pale Ale American IPA Backfin Pale Ale USA 33 29 31 28 30 1.923538406 33 28 5 151 30
Beat the Veep 07/14/2007 619 India Pale Ale American IPA Alewerks IPA USA 31 29 28 29 31 1.341640786 31 28 5 148 29.66667
Beat the Veep 07/14/2007 619 Porter Brown Porter Blackhook Porter USA 27 33 28 29 29 2.28035085 33 27 5 146 28.66667
Beat the Veep 07/14/2007 619 Porter Brown Porter Alewerks Washington Porter USA 27 28 26 24 25 1.58113883 28 24 5 130 26
Beat the Veep 07/14/2007 619 Belgian and French Ale Belgian Specialty Ale Caspar belgian IPA Belgium 30 12 20 10 9.092121131 30 10 4 72 16